Team Bios

Kyle Heywood:  After three years of studying biotechnology, I changed my major to public relations. The shift has been different but I’m liking it. My wife and I have been married for just over two years now. She will be graduating soon in Speech/Communications and I hope I won’t be too far behind. I enjoy sports, fishing, hiking, reading, writing, running and spending time with family. Some interesting things about me are:
1. I set a world medical record for the amount of certain tumors in my knee. The previous record was 32 removed and the doctors removed several hundred tumors from my knee.
2. I’m ranked 8th in the nation for dairy food taste testing.
3. I’ve assisted in cloning bulls for rodeo work.

Role: Overall editing of the blog, Ideologies and Framing page, SPJ code of ethics page, overall analysis of the film, and the homepage.

Hailee Housley: A broad range of activities have kept me entertained growing up in Cache Valley, including drinking pop, rock climbing, wakeboarding, dancing, Starbucks, Sports academy, and Coldstone ice cream. I go through phases, of absolutely loving certain things. Right now my phase is music videos, and other artwork like that.  I want America to stay aware of the rights we have, and never let them be taken away. I love it when people are passionate about life, and get involved with the things they love. I like writing about those people that are living life full of meaning.

Role: I worked on the pages Sydney Schanberg and Dith Pran, The Director, Frames/Themes and Ideological perspectives, and Cambodia Today. I also helped contribute to the other pages.

Heather Zollinger: I've never had a Coke until the night before this project was due. (They're disgusting, by the way, and I will never have another.) I grew up in Redlands, California, I dream of teaching Institute or Seminary someday, and I know conversational American Sign Language. I'm currently majoring in Journalism and Liberal Arts, but am thinking of switching to Social Work or Speech Language Pathology.

Role: I worked mostly on the Time Stamps page, having read Schanberg's The Death and Life of Dith Pran, so I analyzed the film in context of that, and found articles that Schanberg wrote to use in the analysis. I also wrote the Cambodia Today page, with the help of a couple of sources that Hailee found, and helped with details of some of the other pages.

Jessica Hinrichs: I am a fish, basically I am most at peace 100 feet underwater. I love scuba diving especially with sharks. I am excited to dive with whale sharks in Phuket, Thailand this summer. I love event planning and would hope to someday do it full time. I have designed expos everywhere from Baltimore to Tokyo for different clients. I am a history nerd so I was already very savvy with the history of Cambodia before this project. This movie still taught me a lot, it gave a great in depth perspective of what it would have been like in the 1970's in Cambodia.

Role: I worked mainly on the Home, History and Time Stamps pages. The analysis of the film did take a long time, IT'S OVER TWO HOURS LONG, but I wanted to be thorough.

John Aimone: I’m John Carter Aimone from Bridger Valley, Wyoming. I major in Creative Writing. Some interesting things about me: I was once trapped in an air duct. I was briefly a guinea pig for a dairy company. Helped come up with a stripper’s stage name. Called bingo at an old folks’ home. Grounded all the flights at the Salt Lake Int’l Airport. Served as Maid of Honor at a wedding.

Role: I did the Hollywood page, and helped with the History page. I also researched various details for other pages. My main task was to cite the sources that everyone found and to make the citations page.

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